Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ways to Boost Metabolism

Most of us care about our diets in almost every day. But we can not stop the cravings that we have on foods. We eat foods without knowing how they can affect our diets. And when we fell bloated, that will be the time that we think of losing our weight, which is not a good idea.

Are you familiar with metabolism? Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. We all have different rate. This rate varies from person to person and with the influence of age, sex or through heredity. It involves a complex network of hormones and enzymes. Just not only to convert food into fuel but also affect how efficiently you burn that fuel.

To boost metabolism also means to get a healthy diet. But how can you do that? Here are some ways to boost metabolism:

Boost metabolism by proper exercise. We all know that exercise burn calories. Swimming, walking, jogging and aerobics are few of the exercises that you can do in about 30 to 60 minutes a day and five times a week if possible.

Avoid starving and do not skip your meals. If you want to lose weight, starving is not the answer. Always make it a habit to eat your breakfast everyday because if you don't your metabolism will slow down. Just make sure that you are eating a healthy morning meal. Starving is a big NO. It will just let your calorie intake for about below 1,000 and will cause your metabolism to slow down.

Always eat regular meals. If necessary, eat with snacks to give your body a constant supply of healthy fuel. And don't forget to drink water because the energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively.

As far as possible stop your self from wanting your favorite foods. Sometimes when you eat that favorite foods of yours, there is a tendency that you keep coming back for more. This will give you a possibility that you will be craving to eat that foods you over and over again and you will end up over eating.

There still a lot of ways to boost metabolism. If you are really determine to lose weight, learn to discipline your self. Losing weight is not that hard if you are determined to do so. Always remember that you are responsible for whatever things you are doing.

: article by July [ Get to know all kind of information about Boost Metabolism ( ) and articles about Boost Metabolism just right for you and start losing weight. ]

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Grapefruit Diet Plan

Using this grapefruit diet plan you will be able to loose about 3-5 kg per week. This is a one week grapefruit diet plan and you can repeat it as long as you want.

Grapefruit diet menu is full of vitamins and very healthy for your body it will add more energy in you.

The main one rule of grapefruit diet menu - do not eat after 7 p.m.

Day 1 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: grapefruit or juice from it without sugar, 2 pieces of ham weighing 25 g (without a halo of white fat), coffee or tea without sugar. Lunch: grapefruit and vegetable salad, filled lemon juice (any farinaceous vegetables + greens). Portion 250 g. Coffee or tea. Dinner: boiled or roasted meat on the grill (150 g wet weight), green salad with lemon juice (200 g), tea with a spoon of honey.

Day 2 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: grapefruit or juice from 2 eggs (not fried), tea, coffee without sugar. Lunch: grapefruit + 50 g cheese (preferably 20 - 30 percent fat), could be changed to 150 g of domestic cheese (cottage). Dinner: grilled fish 200 g, a big salad of green vegetables, lemon-filled olive fuel (i.e. teaspoon lemon juice and olive oil as much), a piece of black bread (20 g).

Day 3 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: grapefruit or juice from it. Two spoons of oat meal or muesli with tea spoon of raisins, nuts one spoon (except peanuts) with the addition of skimmed milk or yoghurt (4 spoons). Lunch: grapefruit, a cup of vegetable soup with two crackers. Dinner: half grapefruit (eat before going to bed), 200 g chicken (grilled or boiled), 2 roasted tomatoes. Tea.

Day 4 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice, boiled egg, tea with lemon. Lunch: grapefruit + salad of carrots or green vegetables (cucumber, pepper, celery, leaves of salads, broccoli, etc.) with lemon-olive fuel + piece of bread or toast. Dinner: boiled or stewed vegetables - cabbage, beets, carrots, celery, pub, except potatoes and corn (no more than 400 g). Tea. At night glass of grapefruit juice or fresh grapefruit.

Day 5 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: fruit salad (grapefruit, orange, apple). Coffee or tea with lemon. Lunch: boiled large potatoes with salad of cabbage or any green vegetable (200 g). Dinner: beef steak (200 g) or chicken (250 g) or fish (250 g). Baked tomatoes or tomato juice. At night or grapefruit juice.

6 and 7 day of this grapefruit diet plan you can choose any of the above.

Every day when there is a strong sense of hunger can be added between the main meals apples or oranges, and 1 tea spoon honey as a sweetener tea once a day. Tea is optimal only with lemon and green. Coffee only fresh or espresso.

At night you can afford to eat only grapefruit. There are better to eat after 5 hours after each meal. Salt used only in case of advancing physical death (this slows down the diet) and in moderate quantities. Sauces are prohibited. Spices, except red pepper, it is better to forget temporarily. The fish can be used from cans, but only in its own juice (preferably tuna). Sild and mackerel, as well as other fatty class must be forgotten. Lean meat. If you will perform grapefruit diet the fair way, weight decrease rather quickly and without any problems.

Before you star it recommended to consult your doctor.

Wish you successes.

: article by Alen J Green [ Alen J Green is a dietician expert who writes about Healthy Diets and Healthy Eating . For a limited time only you can receive a great free eBook "Food & Diet in their relation to health & work, together with several hundred recipes for wholesome Foods & Drinks" Visit our website to download this book Diet Guidelines For A Healthy Lifestyle ( ) ]

Monday, August 25, 2008

Types of Diets

There are many types of diets, each with their own specific goal. Most take discipline and extra time to get the full benefit of the diet.

Following is a list of some of these diets:
1. Low-calorie diets
2. Diabetic diets
3. Low-fat diets
4. Low-cholesterol diets
5. Low-sodium diets
6. Bland diets
7. High-fiber diets

The majority of recipes do not consider diet restrictions. They are created for the person who isn't concerned about special diets, only that the meal tastes good. Modifications have to be made to the recipe in order to use with diet restrictions.

Low-calorie diets are usually used for weight loss. You can generally eat most foods, but the quantity must be controlled in order to maintain the number of calories you wish to maintain. The idea is to consume fewer calories than your body will burn off. It is just a matter of planning each meal during the day and consume only the number of calories that is your goal.

Diabetic diets are designed to keep the level of blood sugar normal. If a person has an inadequate amount of insulin, which is the sugar-lowering hormone, a diabetic diet would be advised. This type of diet restricts carbohydrates, as well as saturated fats. Guidelines are provided by a doctor or dietitian for the quantities of each food group that a person needs to control this disorder. Foods of similar types and nutritional value are organized into food groups. The major food groups are milk, vegetable, fruit, bread, meat and fat.

Low-fat diets monitor the amount of fat content in all foods, both saturated and unsaturated. Depending on the reason for the diet, one may have only minor restrictions for the amount of fat intake, or they may have to avoid any fat completely.

Low-cholesterol diets are used when the cholesterol levels in the blood are higher than should be for good health. High cholesterol has adverse effects on the heart and arteries. Some foods to limit would be whole milk, whole eggs, cream, shellfish, and liver.

There are substitutes for some foods to help cooking for people on low-calorie, diabetic, low-fat, and low- cholesterol diets. Following are some of these substitutes.

1. Skim milk for whole milk
2. Skim milk for cream
3. Part-skim mozzarella cheese for cheddar cheese
4. Cornstarch for flour in thickening
5. Polyunsaturated oil for butter
6. Vegetable cooking spray for margarine
7. Skinless chicken for chicken with skin
8. Leave nuts out of the recipe.

Low-sodium diets are for someone who is retaining more water than is healthy. The body cannot handle the amount of sodium consumed. This diet is sometimes prescribed for people with high blood pressure, heart problems, and certain liver conditions. Some foods to avoid are salted cracker, frozen peas, salted, smoked meats, all cheeses, and the most obvious, salt.

Bland diets are used to prevent or relieve irritations of the stomach, such as ulcers.Highly seasoned foods are generally avoided. Foods to avoid are caffeine, alcohol, and spices, such as cayenne, chile powder, etc.

High-fiber diets act as a natural laxative. Foods included in fiber diets are bran, some raw vegetables, and whole- grain cereals.

The main goal of any diet is to still have the food taste good, regardless of the restrictions. It may take several modifications of a recipe to find this balance.

: article by Bob Boeck [ Bob Boeck is a Premier Member of the United States Personal Chef Association. He has passed the ServSafe Exam and is ServSafe Certified. Visit
for more articles on cooking and some recipes. ]