Monday, September 15, 2008

Ways to Boost Metabolism

Most of us care about our diets in almost every day. But we can not stop the cravings that we have on foods. We eat foods without knowing how they can affect our diets. And when we fell bloated, that will be the time that we think of losing our weight, which is not a good idea.

Are you familiar with metabolism? Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. We all have different rate. This rate varies from person to person and with the influence of age, sex or through heredity. It involves a complex network of hormones and enzymes. Just not only to convert food into fuel but also affect how efficiently you burn that fuel.

To boost metabolism also means to get a healthy diet. But how can you do that? Here are some ways to boost metabolism:

Boost metabolism by proper exercise. We all know that exercise burn calories. Swimming, walking, jogging and aerobics are few of the exercises that you can do in about 30 to 60 minutes a day and five times a week if possible.

Avoid starving and do not skip your meals. If you want to lose weight, starving is not the answer. Always make it a habit to eat your breakfast everyday because if you don't your metabolism will slow down. Just make sure that you are eating a healthy morning meal. Starving is a big NO. It will just let your calorie intake for about below 1,000 and will cause your metabolism to slow down.

Always eat regular meals. If necessary, eat with snacks to give your body a constant supply of healthy fuel. And don't forget to drink water because the energy burning process of metabolism needs water to work effectively.

As far as possible stop your self from wanting your favorite foods. Sometimes when you eat that favorite foods of yours, there is a tendency that you keep coming back for more. This will give you a possibility that you will be craving to eat that foods you over and over again and you will end up over eating.

There still a lot of ways to boost metabolism. If you are really determine to lose weight, learn to discipline your self. Losing weight is not that hard if you are determined to do so. Always remember that you are responsible for whatever things you are doing.

: article by July [ Get to know all kind of information about Boost Metabolism ( ) and articles about Boost Metabolism just right for you and start losing weight. ]

Monday, September 8, 2008

Does the Grapefruit Diet Really Work ?

Most of the people who have researched about dieting or weight loss trough online have probably come across about the Grape Fruit Diet program. Theoretically you can reduce about a pound a day over a two week period. There also introduce a 3 day plan for those who are not able to stick it with 2 weeks program. Different people gain different experience as well as them really success with this grape fruit diet program.

Definitely it can't be a permanent solution to managing your weight. It is just a way to lose weight quickly and would probably work if you are intended to get married and needed to drop a few pounds for a wedding or also for a class reunion. Be in mind that once you lose weight with this grapefruit diet the weight will come back again if you stop the program. Because what you are losing is mostly fluids and not the fat in your body.

You must understand that the theory behind this diet is that grapefruit diet has a normal component that combined with a high protein diet that causes you to lose weight. In this program you will only be allowed to consume around 1000 calories on this diet per day. Actually 1000 calories is not a lot of calories that a person will consume in a day. You also can keep your weight if you discipline yourself and take few calories of food everyday.. Same like other diet program exercise is advised to be following and also there are of certain things that you must to eat. In this dietary program you will be asked to eat a grapefruit with each meal or drink a glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice everyday for the good impact.

You will also be required to be eating everything that is part of the grapefruit diet. They always advise you to finish up whatever that in your plate even you feel full.. Other than eating grape fruit and drinking a grape juice there is a grapefruit pill that you can take if you want to follow the diet but trust me it won't work as grapefruit. You always can get the pills in any nearby pharmacy or it can be purchased online.

What the grapefruit diet gives you is it is another quick loss weight diet plan. It will almost certainly help you reduce 5 to 10 pounds rather quickly if you need to. If you go for a long term diet plan under this program it will leave you disappointed. Because it is not a diet program that allows you to change you're eating habits. It's better for you if to control your weight and get success with your plan and be happy with the result.

There are always better ways to control your weight and return to healthy diet. Remember, results that last will not be proficient as quickly as reducing 10 pounds in 2 weeks time. It's really a bullshit program. Rather a successful diet plan will help you reduce weight gradually while showing you what foods are healthy for you and teaching you how much to eat it will be last long and you won't be gain weight even after you stop the program. So my humble request always stays away from diets such as the Grapefruit diet and you will have a much better chance of losing weight and marinating it.

: article by Dr. Kiera Jamesons [ See the only Master Cleanse ( ) diet used by Hollywood Celebrities such as Beyonce! Exclusive discounts of the Master Cleanse Diet ( ) here! ]

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Grapefruit Diet Plan

Using this grapefruit diet plan you will be able to loose about 3-5 kg per week. This is a one week grapefruit diet plan and you can repeat it as long as you want.

Grapefruit diet menu is full of vitamins and very healthy for your body it will add more energy in you.

The main one rule of grapefruit diet menu - do not eat after 7 p.m.

Day 1 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: grapefruit or juice from it without sugar, 2 pieces of ham weighing 25 g (without a halo of white fat), coffee or tea without sugar. Lunch: grapefruit and vegetable salad, filled lemon juice (any farinaceous vegetables + greens). Portion 250 g. Coffee or tea. Dinner: boiled or roasted meat on the grill (150 g wet weight), green salad with lemon juice (200 g), tea with a spoon of honey.

Day 2 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: grapefruit or juice from 2 eggs (not fried), tea, coffee without sugar. Lunch: grapefruit + 50 g cheese (preferably 20 - 30 percent fat), could be changed to 150 g of domestic cheese (cottage). Dinner: grilled fish 200 g, a big salad of green vegetables, lemon-filled olive fuel (i.e. teaspoon lemon juice and olive oil as much), a piece of black bread (20 g).

Day 3 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: grapefruit or juice from it. Two spoons of oat meal or muesli with tea spoon of raisins, nuts one spoon (except peanuts) with the addition of skimmed milk or yoghurt (4 spoons). Lunch: grapefruit, a cup of vegetable soup with two crackers. Dinner: half grapefruit (eat before going to bed), 200 g chicken (grilled or boiled), 2 roasted tomatoes. Tea.

Day 4 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice, boiled egg, tea with lemon. Lunch: grapefruit + salad of carrots or green vegetables (cucumber, pepper, celery, leaves of salads, broccoli, etc.) with lemon-olive fuel + piece of bread or toast. Dinner: boiled or stewed vegetables - cabbage, beets, carrots, celery, pub, except potatoes and corn (no more than 400 g). Tea. At night glass of grapefruit juice or fresh grapefruit.

Day 5 of a grapefruit diet

Breakfast: fruit salad (grapefruit, orange, apple). Coffee or tea with lemon. Lunch: boiled large potatoes with salad of cabbage or any green vegetable (200 g). Dinner: beef steak (200 g) or chicken (250 g) or fish (250 g). Baked tomatoes or tomato juice. At night or grapefruit juice.

6 and 7 day of this grapefruit diet plan you can choose any of the above.

Every day when there is a strong sense of hunger can be added between the main meals apples or oranges, and 1 tea spoon honey as a sweetener tea once a day. Tea is optimal only with lemon and green. Coffee only fresh or espresso.

At night you can afford to eat only grapefruit. There are better to eat after 5 hours after each meal. Salt used only in case of advancing physical death (this slows down the diet) and in moderate quantities. Sauces are prohibited. Spices, except red pepper, it is better to forget temporarily. The fish can be used from cans, but only in its own juice (preferably tuna). Sild and mackerel, as well as other fatty class must be forgotten. Lean meat. If you will perform grapefruit diet the fair way, weight decrease rather quickly and without any problems.

Before you star it recommended to consult your doctor.

Wish you successes.

: article by Alen J Green [ Alen J Green is a dietician expert who writes about Healthy Diets and Healthy Eating . For a limited time only you can receive a great free eBook "Food & Diet in their relation to health & work, together with several hundred recipes for wholesome Foods & Drinks" Visit our website to download this book Diet Guidelines For A Healthy Lifestyle ( ) ]

Monday, September 1, 2008

Benefits of Vegetarian Diets

If you are truly involved and dedicated then try switching over progressively. Don't try to quit cold turkey (no pun intended). Try eliminating one type of beef at a time. Then you will regularly be able to remove all the meat from your diet. The vegan or total vegetarian diet includes only foods from plants. People who follow a lacto vegetarian diet eat strictly plant foods plus cheese and other dairy products.

Over this time period bring in and increase the number of Vegetarian meals that you eat. This usually results in a vegetarian diet being lower in overall fat, saturated fat and cholesterol .You can find some unbelievable vegetarian cookbooks online and at your local bookstore that are filled with tasty recipes.

Just keep in mind to start slow and take your instance. Many studies have shown that people who following a vegetarian diet have a lower risk of obesity, coronary heart disease high blood pressure and diabetes. To give you a slight push here are some incredible reimbursement of a vegetarian diet as compared to an orthodox diet.

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Lifestyle

Vegetarian diets, when well selected, are connected to a reduction in the incidence of chronic diseases. And they are more favorable to better health than your average, orthodox diet. However, persons who join the church at an early age (before the age of 19) have a risk of death that is about one-half that of the general population Chronic Diseases and Vegetarian Diets:

1. Obesity. In the middle of vegetarians there is less obesity. Vegetarians eat more fiber-rich bulky foods so fewer calories are obsessive. Most vegetarian diets in the United States are high in fiber and low in total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. If oils, nuts, whole milk, cheese and eggs are used in a diet, dietary fat (both saturated and unsaturated) and cholesterol will increase.

2. High Blood Pressure. Vegetarian way of life is avoid of smoking and drinking alcohol. This in mixture with regular implement decreases blood pressure. Some studies have shown that food allergy can contribute to high blood pressure, 10 and exposure to lead and other heavy metals has been linked to high blood pressure as well. Also, a vegetarian diet that is low in fat, saturated fats, high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables may also supply to lower blood pressure.

3. Heart Disease. Vegetarian diets call for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and soybeans as a substitution for meat (which is much higher in saturated fats and much lower in fiber, antioxidants). Data from a national survey showed that people who consumed beans 4 or more times a week had a 19 percent reduction in risk of heart disease compared to those who ate beans only once a week. This contributes to a fit heart. High fiber also helps the digestive tract.

4. Cancer. Meats and other foods not inspired in a vegetarian diet can produce carcinogens which can lead to Cancer. There are those who advocate macrobiotic diets and various "nutritional therapies" as forms of cancer treatment, but there is not enough scientific evidence to back up these claims.

There is much other reimbursement to a vegetarian lifestyle:

1. Firstly it's humane as it saves animals from being slaughtered for food.
2. Secondly saves money (as meat is expensive)
3. And lastly it is less demanding on the surroundings

: article by Dr. Ross Denvers [ See the only Master Cleanse ( ) diet used by Hollywood Celebrities such as Beyonce! Exclusive discounts of the Master Cleanse Diet ( ) here! ]