Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cholesterol and Your Body

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a solid, waxy substance produced by all animals as part of their normal metabolism. While cholesterol is not itself a fat, it is always found with fats in animal derived foods. Technically cholesterol is classed as a "lipid", a group of fat and fat-like substances that are insoluble in water but soluble in fat solvents. Studies have shown that 60-70% of all blood cholesterol is produced by the liver, not from pre-formed cholesterol in foods.

The liver manufactures two main carrier molecules, LDL and HDL, which bind with cholesterol. LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) carries cholesterol to all the tissues in the body. It may be used for various metabolic functions, such as repair of cell membranes and hormone production. LDL-bound cholesterol tends to stick to damaged artery linings, where it may accumulate, later plugging up arteries and blocking blood flow. Hence LDL cholesterol is known as the "bad" cholesterol.

HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) carries cholesterol back to the liver from tissues throughout the body. The liver may convert HDL cholesterol to bile salts which are dumped into the intestine. There, they may be excreted from the body, if the diet is high in fiber. The body rids itself of excess cholesterol by the excretion of cholesterol in the form of fiber-bound, used bile salts. In this case, HDL cholesterol is known as the "good" cholesterol.

Current research shows that total blood cholesterol levels should ideally measure under 200 mg.% and definitely under 250mg.%. Certain lifestyle measures can be helpful in lowering total and LDL cholesterol, while raising HDL cholesterol:

a) regular aerobic exercise - jogging, brisk walking, swimming, etc.
b) routine of stress reduction techniques - meditation, prayer or laughter
c) reductlon of dietary fats and simple sugars from your diet
d) no smoking and minimal alcohol intake
e) high fiber diet - whole grains, beans lentils, peas and fresh vegetables
f) using olive oil as the main cooking oil
g) eating a lot of fish that is rich in fatty acids - sardines, salmon or cod
h) avoiding animal foods fried in oil and reduced intake of hydrogenated vegetable oils, shortenings and margarines

Some additional tips on different ways that fibers, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids may improve the body's cholesterol balance include:

a) lowering food cholesterol absorption by including pectin, alfalfa seeds, guar gum, oat and rice bran in your diet
b) decreasing reabsorption of bile salts from the intestine by including calcium, beta sitosterol, guar gum and psyllium husks in your diet
c) reducing total blood cholesterol levels by using all the fiber foods mentioned above, GTF chromium, copper, calcium and vitamins C and E (these also raise the HDL levels)
d) lowering LDL cholesterol levels with oat bran, guar gum, copper niacin (B-3) and vitamin C.

By implementing the above lifestyle suggestions and diet practices, you can take preventive measures in lowering your LDL cholesterol.

: article by Pamela Nathan [ Pamela Nathan founded Ecology Health Center, trading online as, where her unique approach to complementary health care combines both Western and Eastern philosophies using products and techniques that promote long term benefits. She has over 25 years of successful experience in treating people suffering with diverse digestive conditions like Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). ]

Saturday, August 16, 2008

7 Best Foods for Diet

Fruits and vegetables are best foods for diet when it comes to weight loss; they keep you full on relatively few calories. Of course there are many super foods, some you've never heard of and others you've simply forgotten about. Here, I've listed few best foods so you can make a place for them on your table and improve your health without a doctor's prescription.

* Avocados are a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, folic acid and potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and relax muscles. It's a high fiber food and you'll also get protein, a good dose of vitamins A, E and B. The rich and creamy avocado is one of the best foods for diet and has been called the chocolate of fruits. Consume this food as salads or as a great side dish.

* Beets are naturally sweeter than any other vegetable and are one of the best sources of both foliate and butane. These two nutrients work together to lower your blood levels of homocysteine, an inflammatory compound that can damage your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease. You can eat the leaves and stems, which are also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

* Soybeans can make your body stop storing fat. Soy is high in protein and the bean also serves up generous helpings of fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. How you eat this flexible food is up to you, cooked and mixed in salads, roasted for snacks or in tofu, or soymilk.

* Cabbages are best foods for diet as one cup of chopped cabbage has just 22 calories, and it's loaded with valuable nutrients. Sulforaphane, a chemical in cabbage will increase your body's production of enzymes that deactivate cell-damaging free radicals and thus reduce any risk of cancer. Put cabbage on your burgers to add a satisfying crunch or, for an even better sandwich topping or side salad.

* Kale has an earthy flavor that some people enjoy, but others find unappetizing. The health benefits of kale are credited to sulphur-containing phytonutrients. Kale is extremely sparse on calories, has no saturated fat, and does not cause widespread allergic reactions. It can be washed, chopped up, and mixed into a healthy salad and consumed raw.

* Sweet Potatoes have a rich content of vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorous and other nutrients, which are required by a person to stay healthy and fit. They are rich in Vitamins like A and C, which are powerful antioxidants which help in removing free radicals from the body that could lead to various health problems. The health benefits are numerous and are full with high nutritious value, which provides overall health and protection to the body.

* The lentil is high in potassium, calcium and iron, and a good source of B vitamins, phosphorus and copper. You can involve lentils in your best foods for diet, as they are a very good source of cholesterol lowering fiber. Also, they are of special benefit in managing blood-sugar disorders since their high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising rapidly after a meal.
The above-mentioned are best foods for diet as they are excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals and are high in phytonutrients and antioxidant compounds. Also, they are low in calorie density and help reduce the risk of heart disease and many other health conditions. Readily available, what else do you need for a healthy life style?

: article by Tony Leong [ Do you want to lose weight and get fit in 30 days? Download Tony Leong Weight Loss System at for free. For limited time only. ]